Monday, October 3, 2011

Sing Off -- New Songs and Radio Classics

Nick Lachey's got an extra shirt button unbuttoned this week, so this ought to be a good one.

The Mormons -- Never Say Never. Justin Bieber is a talentless clown. This song is so bad, these nice young men just have no chance.

Delilah -- What Do You Want From Me?  Speaking of clowns, but this time one with some talent. For those of you who don't know, I can sum up my feelings towards Adam Lambert like this: He's the Derek Jeter of music, in that he's completely overrated. Those girls did a great job though. The one girl Ingrid reminds me of Libby from Lost, and she scares me. I love the voice of the brunette lead vocalist, she's awesome. These girls have to win don't they? Great job!

Urban Method--some Black Eyed Peas song.  I was really impressed by the girl's voice. The singing part was really really good. And then the rapping happened again. Look, I just don't get it. If it's not about things that make you go hmmm, it's not for me in the rap world. I also don't like how the rapper kid gets so much love from the judges, the two singers were much better in my opinion.

Afro Blue -- American Boy.  Hey, another song I don't know! That was pretty neat, it was all jazzy. It's not for everyone but I really liked how intricate it was. Jen thought it was a lot like the Cosby Show theme, minus the sweaters and Rudy.

Yellow Jackets -- Dy no Mite! Meh. I thought the choreography was good. That song sucks. The little boy who sounds like a girl was a little weird. Would rather have listened to Jimmy JJ Walker saying "Dy-No-Mite!" over and over again than listen to this.

Kinfolk 9 - Another song I don't know! Everybody look to the left, I guess. Why can't music be about something anymore? I mean even the Crash Test Dummies had a song about a boy whose parents made him come directly home right after school. I continue to not buy for a second that the lead singer Moi guy doesn't have enough money to live on his own, his hair and clothes are too good. I thought the Asian Assistant District Attorney Connie Rubirosa from Law and Order did a great job singing. Something overall just felt a little thin about it.

Nick buttons his shirt back up for the 60s phase of the show.

Delilah -- Heat Wave  This worked on so many levels, except when I see a girl with a shaved head singing an innocent song from the 60s. I really liked the backup parts, really good. Do you think they named themselves after the horrible syndicated radio show of the same name? I hate that woman. "Delilah, I met a man I fell in love with 25 years ago on a cruise and I've never seen him since. Can you please play "How Do I Live Without You" by Leann Rimes?" Barf.

Urban Method -- Dance 2 The Music   What a great choice for an a cappela group! So many different parts! Until that guy "played guitar", which sounded like a guy playing a wax paper on a comb. I feel like they could have done more, but not bad at all. My favorite part was that there was no rapping.

Vocal Point: The Way You Look Tonight.  Good Lord, they ruined that song. I hated everything about it, from the conga line to the train to the kicks. Hated it. The judges really liked it, I don't get it.

AfroBlue -- Heard It Through The Grapevine.   This jazzy little group is growing on me--I loved this. The lead guy was really strong, the jazzy end part was cool. Jen has remarked at least 5 times about the girls in every group having eyelashes that are wayyy too long. For shame! Is their bass guy the son of Rerun from What's Happening? Where's Raj?

Yellow Jackets -- Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You   That was a really cool horn section thing they led off with. The lead singer kid just doesn't sell it enough to me. I don't believe he could love anyone. He's too prim and proper. Creepy is more like it, especially that last look he gave Sara. I did really like the "I love you baby" middle part, sounded great.

Kinfolk 9 - Let It Be   What the hell happened in the middle when Moi got all high? He was way over the top. Didn't feel like a group, felt like Moi and Boys. Go home.

Kinfolk 9's gotta go, right? And the judges pick Kinfolk 9 to go home. They got it right. Never doubt Ben Folds' wisdom.

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