Friday, September 23, 2011

X Factor Day 2, Dallas Hour

God, let's hope this hour is better than the last.

30 minutes in and I have nothing to say. These people aren't interesting.

Alright, I like Dexter. Love the jean jacket. Fun singing. That was before he even sang "This Is A Man's World". Nice work Dexter! Now go buy some men's shoes and we'll see you in the next round. Wait a minute...where'd he get a cell phone? Is he full of crap?

The Rugby Chick made a great choice to sing a slowed down version of a famous song. I was watching the CW a couple of weeks ago (I know, that's weird. It was Ringer, that new Sarah Michelle Gellar show. It's not like I have every Kelly Clarkson album or anything, Jason C) and there was a slow cover of 25 or 6 to 4 by Chicago that was sung by a girl and it was really strong. I think that's a great choice. I worry that she'll show up for the next round all bruised and swollen from rugby.

Xander! Erase the A-L-E!  Clearly the most interesting part of the show.

I'm thinking that I need to ease off on blogging during the auditions. It's got to get better right?? Right??

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